Cane Corso Forum
General => Introductions => Topic started by: Cane Club Kennel on May 08, 2007, 06:20:40 AM
Hi everybody,
I´m Eduardo from Brazil. I´m very happy to have the possibility to share my experienses with this wonderful dogs.
I started working with Corsos in 1999 and every year i admire this breed more.
I would also like to make new friends and to review my old friends.
Eduardo / Cane Club Kennel from Brazil
Welcome to the forum Eduardo, you have some very beautiful dogs ;D
Hey Eduardo,
Nice to see you here! ;D
welcome to the forum
beatifull dogs
hola and welcome
HI, welcome to the forum!
Hello and welcome!!!
Welcome to the forum!
;) thank you very much to everybody !
I´m very happy being here with all.
Eduardo / Cane Club Kennel.
Hi Eduardo!
Ciao Sarka, nice to meet you here !!
I have some funny photos ours in Spain with the canarios dogs. I will go to share... soon. ;)
Eduardo / CCK.
Welcome aboard!!
What news in your kennel Eduardo?
Do you have some nice puppies from Diablo?
como são você, e boas-vindas, that's all the portuguese i got in me today, but anyways welcome to the forum good to have your here, and beautiful dogs.
erik wofford
Hey Erik, muito obrigado pelos "Boas-Vindas" ! Thanxs for the "Welcome".
Ciao Sarka, yes, i have some amazing puppies out of Diablo. Diablo is sweet dog.
He liked of the Brazilian climate !! lol 8)
Thanxs for all.
Eduardo / CCK.
Welcome Eduardo...
Is nice to meet you here!
Eduardo, send me pics of Diablos puppies! Im very curious ;)
I like a lot your pressa male from Margarita! He is awesome in the pics! The male from Casa del pressa- its the same that I see when you have pick him up in Spain? He is also very nice!
Ok Sarka, i will send ...
Thanxs Flavio, muito obrigado.
Eduardo / CCK.
Hi and welcome - you have a very nice website!