Cane Corso Forum
Breeding => Litter announcements => Old litter announcements => Topic started by: ronjhoser on May 23, 2007, 03:47:43 PM
We have visited the repro vet today for the ultrasound and I am happy to confirm that our Kelly is now very pregnant! I don't know if we can compete with the recent litters from some of the other board members here, but the vet says that she has at least 10 in there. Time for me to prepare for little puppy feet and little puppy messes again. And, OH... more puppy breath!!!! ;)
congra, good luck withthe litter
when it's due?
Wow, you will be very busy Ron :P
But you know, that Jones is coming from litter whit 16 puppies? :o
Nastasia give me one litter whit 14 puppies and one litter whit 13 puppies... Its was realy hard. My mother most come in my home and take the care about the rest of the animals and about my daughter and I was busy the first 14 days only whit the puppies... ::)
But the reward was good- Champion Peek Corso z Machova kraje- HD/A , Migliore Giovany Raduno SACC Genova, CACA Europa show Tulln ,..Champion Peet Corso z Machova kraje, some workings examins,..
Congrats Ron!!! Can't wait to see them :)
oh Ron I am so so happy for you, you deserve every success with this litter.
Hey Ron,
Congratulations my friend. I'm sure these puppies will be breathtaking! We are very happy for you. You know how much we LOVE Kelly. ( ; Luigi is very nice also.