Cane Corso Forum
Breeding => Litter announcements => Old litter announcements => Topic started by: del_angelo on June 01, 2007, 06:33:09 PM
puppys born at kennel Angelo del Guardiano
Donna and Victor got 3 beautifull daughters, 4 weeks ago.
really strong bones, heads to die fore and powerfull bodys
no puppys for sale from this litter
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Good Looking Pups :)
Beautiful babies! Very very nice!
Really beautiful puppies - congratulations xxx
thanxs :)
beatifull puppies and very nice bone
Nice puppies :-*. Congratulations!
Och wow!!!
Absolutelly stunning! Congratulations!
Doris is the litter sister of my Debie who also has some beautiful puppies nearly 3 months old now but they also were just a little chunky monkeys ...once upon a time
hello Maja
how many puppys did she get?? I just wonder because I think it is strange, that Donna only got 3
Debie had 9 healthy pups but the number of puppies depends on many factors i.e. timing of the breeding, the fathers sperm count, how many times was she mated...
I would say you are the lucky one ;D
Donna and Victor was living together for her whole heat, so they did breed for a few times.
Victor have had a sperm test, and is very fertile.
Does your female have heat every 6 month? Donna havent been in heat for 1.5 years, before this heat, when she got pregnant.
I looked at your homepage, and Debbies puppys are so beautifull . Really strong bones and they look very big. good job :)
Yes Debie has had regular heat cycles every 6 months since she was 6 months old
It is quite possible that Doris has low hormone levels considering that she only had one heat cycle prior to her mating
But hey those pups are fantastic and most important healthy. No need for huge litter :)
your right and I am allso more than happy about her puppys. I just wanted to keep both a male and a female after her. thats why im bitching about only 3 daughters :)
wont you post some more photos of your puppys?
I have a pup out of Dafne Corso of Bajer (littermate of Doris and Debbie) she is 6 months old now. I believe there were 11 or 12 pups in her litter. Here are a few pictures of her taken a month ago....
You can see more pictures of her is you like at....
Hello Darel
Beautifull CC you got I have looked on your homepage.
I have a Daugther of Grace but with Breno, there father is Bayron.
Grace have the same name as her mother.[/img]
ups try again
We also had a littermate to your female Grace named Aida, but she ended up having pretty bad HD, and a severe underbite. We sold her to a good friends 5 year old daughter for $1. Here she is......
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We also had a littermate to your female Grace named Aida, but she ended up having pretty bad HD, and a severe underbite. We sold her to a good friends 5 year old daughter for $1. Here she is......
I am sorry to read that, do not know what to say Grace is fine, and it is rear to have a perfect litter even it happens, Aida how tall was she?
Grace is 63 1/2 cm. Grace look more tall from Aida
We also had a littermate to your female Grace named Aida, but she ended up having pretty bad HD, and a severe underbite. We sold her to a good friends 5 year old daughter for $1. Here she is......
I am sorry to read that, do not know what to say Grace is fine, and it is rear to have a perfect litter even it happens, Aida how tall was she?
Grace is 63 1/2 cm. Grace look more tall from Aida
We also had a littermate to your female Grace named Aida, but she ended up having pretty bad HD, and a severe underbite. We sold her to a good friends 5 year old daughter for $1. Here she is......
I am sorry to read that, do not know what to say Grace is fine, and it is rear to have a perfect litter even it happens, Aida how tall was she?
Grace is 63 1/2 cm. Grace look more tall from Aida
Here you got some head pictures of Grace, do you have some pictures close up of Aida´s head?
Sorry here you got a picture aff Grace head do you have close up pictures of Aida´s head?
Here are some more pics of Aida. She is only about 58 cm, and about 30 kg.
Here are some more pics of Aida. She is only about 58 cm, and about 30 kg.
It is so strange, I belive Grace was the smallest female in the litter, and I think maybe she is the tallest now, she is more slim and atlectic build, and she runs like a greyhound, she is very fast, she is the one of my CC there runs most fast.
She has a lot of muscular building in bak and front legs.
here you got a picture taken at Luigis home when she was 8 weeks.