Cane Corso Forum

Testforum => Forum questions => Topic started by: vasuandchris on December 29, 2007, 09:32:24 PM

Title: Keep getting error when Posting Picutres, any ideas?
Post by: vasuandchris on December 29, 2007, 09:32:24 PM
When I try to post a picture, I keep getting an error message that says "The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator." The picture size is well below the 150KB limit so I am not sure how to empty the upload folder? Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Keep getting error when Posting Picutres, any ideas?
Post by: canecorsonancy on December 29, 2007, 10:41:01 PM
Yup, the upload folder is full again ::) Meaning that I have to delete old pics again to make new space for new pics. This also means that uploading pics to the forum is not a perminant way of posting pics. Sooner or later the folder is full again and I have to delete old pics again :-[ I will try to do my best again not to delete any old pics from posts that are still being read. But for me it is impossible to see what pics I am deleting ::) So if some go missing, I am very sorry for that :-[ Try to upload your pic again in a few minutes. There will be some webspace available again ;)
Title: Re: Keep getting error when Posting Picutres, any ideas?
Post by: vasuandchris on December 29, 2007, 10:57:05 PM
 :-* :-* :-* thanks nancy! :)
Title: Re: Keep getting error when Posting Picutres, any ideas?
Post by: Cohors on July 17, 2008, 01:56:18 AM
The same is happening with me:
"The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator"
Title: Re: Keep getting error when Posting Picutres, any ideas?
Post by: Navarro on July 17, 2008, 02:47:55 AM

- Just go to the web site:
- Create an account/register (takes 2-3 min. to enter the required information)
- Upload your photos that you'd like to post to the photobucket
- Under every photo that you have in your new album, there are a few lines of codes - left-click on the "IMG Code" - that copies the code
- Paste the code by right-clicking on the mouse, and selecting "Paste" the IMG Code where you want the photo to be placed your message
- Preview the message to see if you like the way your message looks

I hope this helps  :)

Title: Re: Keep getting error when Posting Picutres, any ideas?
Post by: canecorsonancy on July 17, 2008, 07:38:35 AM
The same is happening with me:
"The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator"

Yes Marcus, I am sorry. In is explained why.
In above message Kairi explains how to post pics on the forum ;) I can't wait to see you new pics!!! :-* :-*
Title: Re: Keep getting error when Posting Picutres, any ideas?
Post by: Robbrs on July 17, 2008, 08:53:52 AM
I have disabled the option to upload new attachments. The old attachments are still visible but it is not possible to upload new pictures: you just don't get the option anymore.

Hosting pictures will cost a lot of datatraffic which is VERY expensive! (This forum consumes a lot of data traffic even without the attachment option enabled!) and could slow down the access speed if we have a lot of visitors. It is easier and better to use photobucket for that :)

edit: this was Robbrs' post number 100  ;D