Cane Corso Forum

Breeding => Breeders introductions => Topic started by: canecorsonancy on January 01, 2008, 05:24:10 PM

Title: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: canecorsonancy on January 01, 2008, 05:24:10 PM
Italy (28 members)
FossoCorno   Fosso Corno   Forum profile (;u=35)   Italy   Forum introduction (
DEGLI ELMI   Degli Elmi   Forum profile (;u=48)   Italy   Forum introduction (
VALLE DEI LORD   Valle Dei Lord   Forum profile (;u=96)   Italy   Forum introduction (
LARA   della Corte Degli Olivi   Forum profile (;u=209)   Italy   Forum introduction (
frasca   Dei Dauni   Forum profile (;u=262)   Italy   Forum introduction (
I SARACENI   I Saraceni   Forum profile (;u=339)   Italy   Forum introduction (
I Corsi della Nevaia   I Corsi della Nevaia   Forum profile (;u=374)   Italy   Forum introduction (
Dagone      Forum profile (;u=579)      Italy   Forum introduction (
Dario Tamarindi      Forum profile (;u=655)      Italy   Forum introduction (
CaneCorsoPuglia      Forum profile (;u=750)   Italy   Forum introduction (
CANECORSOFOREVER   Ortognato   Forum profile (;u=836)   Italy   Forum introduction (
RE MANFREDI   Re Manfredi   Forum profile (;u=961)   Italy   Forum introduction (
Peppino   Megale Hellas   Forum profile (;u=1030)   Italy   Forum introduction (
oigres   Del Poggio   Forum profile (;u=1235)   Italy   Forum introduction (
igor gangi      Forum profile (;u=1241)      Italy   Forum introduction (
swu   Valmorea   Forum profile (;u=1723)   Italy   Forum introduction (
roberto      Forum profile (;u=1971)      Italy   Forum introduction (
nicpalazzo   Capojazzi   Forum profile (;u=2055)   Italy   Forum introduction (
Nerone      Forum profile (;u=2060)      Italy   Forum introduction (
Renzo Carosio   Saxellum   Forum profile (;u=2116)   Italy   Forum introduction (
canecorsodicasamauro   Di Casa Mauro   Forum profile (;u=2723)   Italy   Forum introduction (
canecorsodeipeligni   Dei Peligni   Forum profile (;u=2825)   Italy   Forum introduction (
brian-cc/sentieri selvaggi   sentieri selvaggi   Forum profile (;u=297)      Italy   Forum introduction (
DANKAR   Antico   Forum profile (;u=2844)   Italy   Forum introduction (
i fontanili   I Fontanili   Forum profile (;u=2851) Italy   Forum introduction (;topicseen)
La Collina Del Corso   La Collina Del Corso   Forum profile (;u=2922) Italy   Forum introduction (;topicseen)
MOLOSSIARETUSEI   I Molossi Aretusei   Forum profile (;u=2959) Italy   Forum introduction (
Castell Anselmo Castell Anselmo   Forum profile (;u=8669) Italy   Forum introduction (

France (14 members)
Zazelle   Des legendes de zazelle   Forum profile (;u=56)   France   Forum introduction (
Herve   la cour d'Aida   Forum profile (;u=57)   France   Forum introduction (
guillaume      Forum profile (;u=73)   France   Forum introduction (
Bob      Forum profile (;u=80)   France   Forum introduction (
Guittonnie   Guittonnie   Forum profile (;u=144)   France   Forum introduction (
Claude   Des Déesses Du Nord   Forum profile (;u=162)   France   Forum introduction (
fmfmfm   des pierres dorées   Forum profile (;u=219)   France   Forum introduction (
Jonathan   Olympe   Forum profile (;u=324)   France   Forum introduction (
Emma H.      Forum profile (;u=1307)   France   Forum introduction (
edim      Forum profile (;u=1334)      France   Forum introduction (
Cedric   Des Gardiens du Panthéon   Forum profile (;u=2216)   France   Forum introduction (
rebecca      Forum profile (;u=1691)   website (   France   Forum introduction (
léa   des Gardiens des Murailles   Forum profile (;u=2752)   France   Forum introduction (
severine   du bois d'Aquilas   Forum profile (;u=4350)   France   Forum introduction (

Sweden (9 members)
Milla   Suediccas   Forum profile (;u=101)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
Monica   Magnuslunds   Forum profile (;u=142)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
Sussi   Hagnatorpet   Forum profile (;u=145)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
pia   Blue Ayla   Forum profile (;u=154)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
Lena   Amouricas   Forum profile (;u=170)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
Aurora Nel Cielo   Aurora Nel Cielo   Forum profile (;u=174)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
Charlotte   Unico   Forum profile (;u=292)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
Pauline   Amouricas   Forum profile (;u=1050)   Sweden   Forum introduction (
del_angelo   Angelo del Guardiano   Forum profile (;u=81)   Sweden   Forum introduction (

The Netherlands (5 members)
canecorsonancy   La Grazia Di Dio   Forum profile (;u=2)   The Netherlands   Forum introduction (
Corine   Amico Del Petto   Forum profile (;u=17)   The Netherlands   Forum introduction (
Tineke   Amico Del Petto   Forum profile (;u=19)   The Netherlands   Forum introduction (
Mi   Del Montagna Oro   Forum profile (;u=407)   The Netherlands   Forum introduction (
Joey   La Protezione Migliore   Forum profile (;u=585)   The Netherlands   Forum introduction (

Russia (8 members)
corsodelyuks   De Lyuks   Forum profile (;u=118)   Russia (Moscow)   Forum introduction (
YuliaCorso   Bravo Corso   Forum profile (;u=295)   Russia (Moscow)   Forum introduction (
zvdog   Zolotoy Venets   Forum profile (;u=670)   Russia (Moscow)   Forum introduction (
Mashkin      Forum profile (;u=183)      Russia (Siberia)   Forum introduction (
Ilona Sokol   Rus Best Line   Forum profile (;u=2147)      Russia (Moscow)   Forum introduction (
Tornado_corso   Stanley Pat   Forum profile (;u=2757)   Russia (Moscow)   Forum introduction (
Emilia   Champion Dinasty   Forum profile (;u=3005)      Russia (Moscow)   Forum introduction (
Ruskennel   Ekskljuziv-N   Forum profile (;u=1732)   Russia   Forum introduction (

Belgium (2 members)
chelle      Forum profile (;u=172)   Belgium   Forum introduction (
Audrey GUERIN   La Dune Des Sages   Forum profile (;u=513)   Belgium/France   Forum introduction (

Austria (1 member)
Verena   Amico Sincero Forum profile (;u=5960)   Austria   Forum introduction (

Hungary (3 members)
Kratosz kennel   Kratosz   Forum profile (;u=522)   Hungary   Forum introduction (
Majoshaza   Majoshaza Reme   Forum profile (;u=960)   Hungary   Forum introduction (
Cesare   Timoniere    Forum profile (;u=2971)   Hungary   Forum introduction (

Serbia (3 members)
sforza   Sforza   Forum profile (;u=218)   Serbia   Forum introduction (
Strajano   Strajano   Forum profile (;u=1513)   Serbia   Forum introduction (
rista77   Corso Imperium   Forum profile (;u=2534)   Serbia   Forum introduction (

Israel (4 members)
Irena      Forum profile (;u=11)      Israel   Forum introduction (
Wella      Forum profile (;u=24)      Israel   Forum introduction (
Leon   Essence of Empire   Forum profile (;u=4580)   Israel   Forum introduction (
gerassi corso   Gerassi Corso   Forum profile (;u=13861)   Israel   Forum introduction (

Czech Republic (1 member)
Sarka   Corso of Bajer   Forum profile (;u=362)   Czech Republic   Forum introduction (

Slovakia (2 members)
Pribul   Edimark   Forum profile (;u=2574)   Slovakia   Forum introduction (
Jozef   Corsolero   Forum profile (;u=2778)   Slovakia   Forum introduction (

England (1 member)
jojo   Boleyn   Forum profile (;u=13)   England   Forum introduction (

Estonia (2 members)
eagle   Eaglemount   Forum profile (;u=1465)   Estonia   Forum introduction (
Estellum   Estellum    Forum profile (;u=2392)   Estonia   Forum introduction (

Finland (1 member)
Alex Kravt   Maxento   Forum profile (;u=1117)   Finland   Forum introduction (

Norway (1 member)
Solgunn   Chantico   Forum profile (;u=235)   Norway   Forum introduction (

Poland (4 members)
Del-Orte   Del-Orte   Forum profile (;u=193)   Poland   Forum introduction (
CCSTARLIGHT   Star Light   Forum profile (;u=2775)   Poland   Forum introduction (http://
CORSSVESA   Corssvesa   Forum profile (;u=2868)   Poland   Forum introduction (
Natalia   Błękitna Przystań   Forum profile (;u=3158)   Poland   Forum introduction (
Monika Volturi   VOLTURI FCI   Forum profile (;u=13862)   Poland   Forum introduction (;topicseen)

Letvia (1 member)
Ijulka      Forum profile (;u=349)   Letvia   Forum introduction (;topicseen#msg33585)

Romania (1 member)
denis_ali   della Valle degli Orsi Ali   Forum profile (;u=5)   Romania   Forum introduction (

Spain (1 member)
rothorm   Rothorm Jy Dream   Forum profile (;u=12)   Spain   Forum introduction (

Germany (1 member)
canecorsodog   Porta dell'Inferno   Forum profile (;u=67)   Germany   Forum introduction (

Mexico (1 member)
Felipe   Classicorso   Forum profile (;u=177)   Mexico   Forum introduction (

Montenegro (1 member)
Monty   Negro di Monte   Forum profile (;u=2590)      Montenegro   Forum introduction (;topicseen)

Canada (2 members)
Paul   Del Ecousse   Forum profile (;u=8)      Canada   Forum introduction (
LisaR   Antiquity   Forum profile (;u=7)   Canada (BC)   Forum introduction (

Brazil (6 members)
Cohors   Del Cohors   Forum profile (;u=21)   Brazil   Forum introduction (
Zadoque   Zadoque   Forum profile (;u=25)   Brazil   Forum introduction (
Renato   Di Lorencin   Forum profile (;u=194)   Brazil   Forum introduction (
caneclub   Cane Club   Forum profile (;u=397)   Brazil   Forum introduction (
Guga   Casa di Cane   Forum profile (;u=14028)   Brazil   Forum introduction (
Allevamento Di Bensdorp   Di Bensdorp   Forum profile (;u=16453)    Brazil   Forum introduction (

USA (32 members)
turkalurk   Avalanche   Forum profile (;u=34)   USA   Forum introduction (
Garciano      Forum profile (;u=63)      USA   Forum introduction (
PBK   Potenza Bella   Forum profile (;u=88)   USA   Forum introduction (
Apex Cane Corso   Apex   Forum profile (;u=114)   USA   Forum introduction (
wccc   West Coast   Forum profile (;u=62)   USA (CA)   Forum introduction (
Leilani   California   Forum profile (;u=127)   USA (CA)   Forum introduction (
Pacfica   Pacfica   Forum profile (;u=320)   USA (CA)   Forum introduction (
Shauna DeMoss   CastleGuard   Forum profile (;u=635)   USA (CO)   Forum introduction (
Amore   Amore   Forum profile (;u=721)   USA (GE)   Forum introduction (
Lou and Scott   Bella Croce   Forum profile (;u=106)   USA (IL)   Forum introduction (
Ballard Cane Corso   Ballard   Forum profile (;u=302)   USA (NC)   Forum introduction (
Curt~RedRockCanyonCC   Red Rock Canyon   Forum profile (;u=242)   USA (NE)   Forum introduction (
AboutTimeCorso   About Time   Forum profile (;u=37)   USA (NM)   Forum introduction (
Janet Gigante   La Faccia   Forum profile (;u=90)   USA (NY)   Forum introduction (
ItalicaCaneCorso   De Italica Terrae   Forum profile (;u=93)   USA (NY)   Forum introduction (
rivale cane corso   Rivale   Forum profile (;u=1454)   USA (NY)   Forum introduction (
Darrel   Mad River CC   Forum profile (;u=259)   USA (Ohio)   Forum introduction (
BluSteel CaneCorso   Blusteel   Forum profile (;u=9)   USA (OK)   Forum introduction (
ronjhoser   Fire Horse   Forum profile (;u=66)   USA (PE)   Forum introduction (
Stephanie   Bellissima   Forum profile (;u=111)   USA (TE)   Forum introduction (
roy   El Mezquital   Forum profile (;u=89)   USA (TX)   Forum introduction (
erik wofford      Forum profile (;u=360)      USA (TX)   Forum introduction (
Eddie   Blueprint   Forum profile (;u=447)   USA (TX)   Forum introduction (
WindyPineCC   Windy Pine   Forum profile (;u=326)   USA (WY)   Forum introduction (
Yulia   Impero Russo   Forum profile (;u=85)   USA (TX)   Forum introduction (
PrideNJoyCaneCorso   Pride & Joy   Forum profile (;u=805)   USA (PA)   Forum introduction (
Joe Hovorka   Liberty   Forum profile (;u=91)   USA (NY)   Forum introduction (
VeroCaneCorso   Vero   Forum profile (;u=827)   USA (NC)   Forum introduction (
Bella Doll's   Bella Dolls's   Forum profile (;u=2319)   USA (NC)   Forum introduction (
Mertaskiran   Godiva   Forum profile (;u=2800)   USA (NY)   Forum introduction (
Blue Ridge Corsos   Blue Ridge   Forum profile (;u=832)      USA (NC)   Forum introduction (
CC de la Palme   de la Palme   Forum profile (;u=2217)   USA (NC)   Forum introduction (
SirGard   SirGard   Forum profile (;u=3004)   USA   Forum introduction (;topicseen)

If you are a breeder and are not in this list, just let me know and I will add you ;)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Ronda75 on January 01, 2008, 06:40:29 PM
 :) :) great job Nancy!!!!!
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Pauline on January 02, 2008, 01:20:53 AM
Well done  :)

Me and Lena from Sweden is the same kennel Amourica's :)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: vilma on January 02, 2008, 09:06:42 PM
Thanks :)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: PrideNJoyzCC on January 06, 2008, 04:51:00 AM
I am new to the breeder ring but would love to be noted.

Krissy PrideNJoyzCC
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: CC de la Palme on January 10, 2008, 03:33:35 PM
Hey Nancy,
Thanks for the forum!
I am a new Cane Corso breeder located in the ever growing area of Charlotte, North Carolina.
I am looking forward to turning others on to this wonderful breed.
I would love it if you could list me as a breeder here.

Thank you,
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: patti on January 22, 2008, 10:55:56 PM
Thank you Nancy again for such a wonderful forum!!! I love all the new additions! I am learning so much!  ;D
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Sentieri Selvaggi/Wild Paths kennel on January 25, 2008, 02:48:48 AM
nancy"saint" now! :D
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: canecorsonancy on January 25, 2008, 09:51:03 AM
nancy"saint" now! :D

Hahaha. First puppies...........
Congratulation though on your first step ;)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Liberty Cane Corso on February 02, 2008, 04:28:48 PM
Nice job Nancy !!

Thanks for all your efforts!

Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: LisaB on February 18, 2008, 02:31:06 AM

Thank You,

Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: canecorsonancy on February 18, 2008, 11:42:11 PM
Hi Nancy,

New to the breeding too! But would love it if you could list me as a breeder too!!!

Thank You,


I just visited you website but could not really find what I was looking for. Did you have any pups in the past?
It is always very difficult to give a good description of what a breeder is. So took the easiest way out here. A breeder is a breeder when he had pups.
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Doubleclicks/Seija on February 19, 2008, 07:13:00 AM
^I think that's good policy. I don't count myself as a cc breeder because I haven't breed any ccs yet. :)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: LisaB on February 23, 2008, 12:27:15 AM
Thank you Nancy!!!!
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Bella Doll's on February 23, 2008, 11:51:40 PM
I consider myself a Breeder as well. A Breeder to me is not just someone who has a litter of pups, but who is responsible and sensible enough to search for the right Stud, that will compliment your Bitch, with temperment, pedigree, endurance, strength, and as well as the positive charactericts, and genetics.And that takes every precaution to make sure those babies arrive healthy and as worry free as possible. A Breeder, being responsible enough to care where and who your puppies go to their "Forever Homes" with. I have placed 7 out of my 9 (one past), I have turned down 5 potential Buyers, because of something they have said or indicated that I beleived to be detrimental not only to my Babies but to the breed I have loved for 8 years now. I have had the pleasure of experiencing one breeding and litter, I am participating in the mating of another breeding tomorrow, and I beleive that these are just a few of the things that could and or would classify someone as being on the Breeder Status! To say I know everything would be ridiculous, but if I did I wouldn't need the Forum, I beleive that knowledge is power, and I want to have the knowledge from all the others on here and share their experiences so I can learn from their mistakes or their triumps, I don't ever want to stop learning! But just because I am new and am still learning, doesn't mean that I am not or should not be considered a BREEDER, because I know I am. Because I care!!
So with that being said and as you can see something I am very passionate about, I would like to be listed as a Breeder as well Nancy, please! Thank you for your time!!

PS. I have also bred, raised, and shown Eng. Bulldogs, Rotties, Dobermans, and Yorkies. This may have been my 1st litter of Corsos, but I wanted you to know I have had other breedings!! Thank you again!!
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: canecorsonancy on February 24, 2008, 11:28:35 AM
You are so right. It takes more than pups to really be considered a breeder. But I can not check people's knowlegde and see if they also use that knowlegde in breedings. I can not see if someone just puts 2 dogs together and sells his pups to everyone, or does carefully select on dogs as well as on owners. There are people who do a lot of research and have a lot of knowlegde before even breeding their first litter. People who know more before ever breeding that first litter than people who just put 2 dogs together and think breeding is the way to learn somehting. Since I can not check anything, for this forum I can only take the easy way out. And that is having had Corso pups ::) Nothing I can change about that.
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Bella Doll's on February 24, 2008, 03:01:45 PM
Thank you Nancy, I agree with everything you have said! I wish there was someway that you be an administrator could meet the newbies on the Forum, as I know I would love to meet you! But it is kind of like most things in life, you have to play Devil's Advocate, or give the Benefit of the Doubt and trust your instincts, if someone then in turn does you wrong or doesn't hold up their end as they have represented themselves, the nail their butts to the wall and expose them for the fraud they are!
I just want to say thank you again for updating my status, and I personally will not let you down, for I am who I say I am! You will get to know my winning personality as time goes by.
Have a wonderful Sunday and thanks again for this Forum, I love it!! I have learned so much in the short time I have been here, and a big thank you goes out to the ones who have made me feel a part of it!
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Jozef on March 23, 2008, 04:43:22 PM
Hello Nancy,

I am Cane Corso breeder located in Slovakia. I would like to be listed as a breeder here as well. Name: Jozef Ivanis, Kennel: CORSOLERO,

Thank you
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Natalia on February 25, 2009, 11:12:40 AM
I would like to be listed as a breeder here as well.
Natalia ,kennel "Błękitna Przystań" Poland
website   ;D
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Tergestum on February 26, 2009, 12:44:49 PM
Hi Nancy,

it would be an honor to be listed with all this passion colleagues. I'm a Cane Corso breeder in Brazil:
Name: Fabio De Santi
Kennel: Tergestum
web site:

Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Ekskljuziv-N kennel on February 26, 2009, 01:41:51 PM
"Ekskljuziv-N" kennel
Natalia Belih ( breeder)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Castell Anselmo on June 26, 2009, 06:07:28 AM
Can be added to the list of breeders too? Thanks :-)

 Allevamento Enci-Fci "di Castell'Anselmo"  ;D
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: severine on June 26, 2009, 03:26:36 PM
Can you add my breeder on your breeder's list
Thank's  ;D :)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Eurasia on October 06, 2009, 12:33:36 PM
Hi Nancy,I would be in the list of Italian breeding,Thank you!!!!!! :-*
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Cane Corso Della Riva on October 06, 2009, 07:58:07 PM
Can you add me to the list I live in Puerto Rico, thank you.
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Koronat on October 08, 2009, 08:14:54 AM
Thanks Nansy, Super!!!! :D
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: canecorsonancy on October 15, 2009, 11:09:37 PM
I hope to have some time this weekend to update this list. I will check this topic to see who else still has to be placed in this list and who's status has to be changed to "breeder". ;)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: atison on October 16, 2009, 09:03:42 AM
Hi, Nancy,
I have wait for long time, than I can be considered a breeder for myself.
So please, put me into the breeders list, I am from Czech Republic.
At least Sarka of Bajer will be not alone.
My web sites :
Bye Radka
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Leon on February 02, 2010, 01:53:29 PM
Hi Nancy.
I am a breeder from Israel, and I would like to be added to Israel breeding. Also, Pls, change my Position to BREEDER.  ::)

Thank's in advance.

Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Monika Volturi on February 09, 2010, 08:42:35 PM
Hi !
Can you add my breeder on your breeder's list :

VOLTURI FCI from Poland. My website:

thanks a lot 
Monika :-*
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: canecorsonancy on February 10, 2010, 12:11:06 PM
You are both added :D
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Laura Ice on May 05, 2010, 12:52:37 PM
Hello Nancy, can you please add me to the "breeder's list"? I don't think I ever introduced myself as a breeder.
I appreciate your time.

Laura Ice
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Almighty Highs on May 05, 2010, 02:50:29 PM
Also a breeder
Tina Henell
Almighty Highs
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Amberland Marija on July 14, 2010, 08:09:06 AM
Can You add my kennel to?
Amberland kennel
Maria Demchenko (breeder)

Thank You!
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Nero d' Avola's on September 04, 2010, 10:20:24 AM
Hello :)
Can you add my breeder on your breeder's list?
Nero d' Avola's kennel
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: canecorsonancy on September 04, 2010, 03:26:27 PM
I hope to have some time next week to update the list again. Sorry that it took so long :-[
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Jessica on September 04, 2010, 06:36:57 PM
Add me too please.  ;D

Diocanes Kennel
Jessica Lienau (breeder)

Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Navarro on September 04, 2010, 06:58:51 PM
Hi Nancy,

Could you please add me as well?

California, USA
Rural Cane Corso
Valerio Chiarotti and Kairi Harvig (breeder)
Web Site:

Thank you so much!  ;D

Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: RobCC on October 15, 2010, 09:20:57 AM
Hello  ;D
Can you add my kennel to your breeder's list?
Z Gildii Nieustraszonych
Thanks and greet
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Denti Acciaio on November 19, 2010, 03:46:13 PM
Hello Nancy,

Would U be so kind to add me to the breeders list?
Denti Acciaio Kennel, Hungary,  (

Thank U very much!

And also, thanks for this great forum!
All the best,
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: CaneCorsoBiH on December 27, 2011, 05:31:05 PM
Bosnia and Herzegovina .. Cane Corso Kennel BiH is not on list .. I wish Marry Chrismas and New Year everyone ...
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: CaneCorsoBiH on September 18, 2012, 02:36:29 PM
Bosnia and Herzegovina

best regards
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: TrishF on September 21, 2012, 02:12:13 AM
Please add Campo di Sogni Cane Corso. We are from southern Illinois, in the USA. We are waiting to see if our first breeding took. If so, we should have puppies the 3rd week of November out of GCH RedRock's Argento and our Int'l CH Kimberley Corso of Bajer.
Thank you,
Terry and Trish Fielder
Campo di Sogni Cane Corso can be found on FaceBook
Title: Re: List of breeders on this forum
Post by: Mamarazza on September 22, 2012, 09:00:58 PM
Please add me too

