Cane Corso Forum

General => Introductions => Topic started by: del_angelo on August 19, 2006, 12:57:09 PM

Title: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: del_angelo on August 19, 2006, 12:57:09 PM
My name is Susen and I have 5 wonderfull cane corsi :).

I have kennel "Guardiano del angelo", and im a Dane living in Sweden. Because this breed is so new to me, I havent made any puppys yet, but I will get my first litter next year with Stasia and Cirasello from Italy. She had to become champion first, wich happend in Poland last sunday ;D

My big passion are the dogshows, and i travel with my dogs all over Europe.My dream is to show my dogs in Italy, wich hopefully soon will be a reality

my first corso came into my life in 2002, and it was one of the best things, that ever happend to me. I just love this breed

I hope to learn a lot, from all the experienced corso people, at this forum


Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: chris on August 19, 2006, 03:07:15 PM
hello and welcome on board
Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: del_angelo on August 19, 2006, 04:06:16 PM
thanx for the welcome Chris*S*

Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: Paul on August 19, 2006, 04:51:48 PM
welcome susen, and good luck at the shows with your corsi
Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: Veleda / Igni et Ferro on August 19, 2006, 06:56:10 PM
Welcome Susen and your corso's
Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: ninci on August 19, 2006, 08:07:18 PM
Welcome and enjoy.

Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: Casa del Sol on August 20, 2006, 08:43:52 AM
welcome and i hope your dream of showing in italy soon becomes a reality.
Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: Irena on August 20, 2006, 11:10:28 AM
welcome to the forum  :)
Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: Casa del Sol on August 20, 2006, 12:46:48 PM
i just visited your website, just lovely. it looks like you stay pretty busy with the breed. beautiful pictures. good luck in your future shows.
Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: Cohors on August 20, 2006, 03:35:00 PM
Welcome on board. Congratulations about your work and  your lovely dogs . I saw your website and I loved the photo named"my angel won". This is a very good forum with nice people with a good road experience in CCs in many places of this planet.

Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: del_angelo on August 21, 2006, 11:20:41 PM
thanx again :)
Stasia is a true angel. its hard to describe in words, but she is more than just a dog. I swear, she can read my mind
Title: Re: greetings from Scandinavia
Post by: Anita on August 23, 2006, 07:01:31 PM
Hi! Welcome!!!!  :)