Cane Corso Forum
Testforum => Forum questions => Topic started by: BluSteel CaneCorso on May 17, 2006, 01:49:15 PM
Hey Nancy how are you coming with that CC data base and will you be adding it to this site? I think you said you were not going to add health issues but maybe you could add a section where that can be placed so it can be tracked such as the EPI in Rustic Cane Corso which I feel is very important to track and especially since Norm and Angela are still using Aragorn for breeding.
i heard a lot of bad things about angela canning and her male aragorn......can anyone tell me what is all about....
I can not publish all the healthissues that people tell me about in confidence. If I would do that, people would not tell me anything in the future. If people want to keep track of epi in this breed, I wish them all the luck in the world. It pops up everywhere and I can not find any relation between most dogs. Except for Nico (the ancestor Angela had her problems from).
If we manage to get that database on-line, I sure will make a link to it on this forum. But getting it on-line and working................. So far the programs don't work, or I have to enter every dog again.............. A day should have 48 hours ::)
Denis, I will e-mail you the details about Angela and Aragorn. But first I have to go train with Kendra.
One more thing about that database. There is not even enough time to enter all FCI registered dogs. Dogs from other registries are not in this database. So Aragorn is not even in this database. And neither is his offspring. If people would pay me a full time job payment, so that I can pay my bills without working on anything besides Corsos and that database, I would love to also keep track of ICCF, FIC and other registries. But I have to pay the bills around here.
I do not want this forum to turn into yet another "Bash Angela and Aragorn forum". There are plenty of those on-line. For people who want to know all about this issue from the puppybuyers point of view, visit
I am not suggesting a "bash Angela" I am sugesting having a place to put "known" health problems to help breeders and buyers make better decisions. Not things people have heard but things people have proof of, either the breeder or the owners. Just a suggestion to help others.
i know about one detabase that alredy have coule dogs in it, it's a russian site that keeps all the breeds, you going to open another one?
I am not suggesting a "bash Angela" I am sugesting having a place to put "known" health problems to help breeders and buyers make better decisions. Not things people have heard but things people have proof of, either the breeder or the owners. Just a suggestion to help others.
I know you were not suggesting a bash Angela. But you know how fast posts about this item get out of controle.
This forum has a "Health Issue" section. There you can publish health scores or other proven problems. No hear say please. You can post the list of affected dogs Angela published herself. At least that list is published by the breeder herself.
@Irena. We have a database with pedigrees from lots of dogs. We are trying to get that on-line. Many dogs in that database are Dutch. But there are also a lot of Italian dogs in it. It's sometimes good to see more generations of ancestors than the ones published on the actual pedigree.
it wil be nice to see more than 4 generations or more dogs
when do you think you'll be able to uploud it?
it wil be nice to see more than 4 generations or more dogs
when do you think you'll be able to uploud it?
As soon as I figure out how to get it on-line............. There are a couple of people also looking around for us to find the best and easiest solution.
I had tried to start one with another person. Something like that takes up so much space, it is unbelieveable. And energy it takes is priceless. The has to be way that someone canter their own info, without jeopordizing the system.
I had tried to start one with another person. Something like that takes up so much space, it is unbelieveable. And energy it takes is priceless. The has to be way that someone canter their own info, without jeopordizing the system.
I have the webspace. I have a database. All I need is to find a way to put it on-line without having to enter all dogs one by one to the on-line database. I need a backdoor so I can just copy my database into the on-line database.