I am new CC-addicted here
Everything started years ago, when I first met a cane corso and fell in love at first sight. Then 4 years ago, when I moved back to my home town, my wish to own my own CC finally became possible. And so my little Miss Spoiled came to my home
She was the love at first sight for me and for all my family and friends. She is more then I ever expected from a dog. Even If I knew almost everything about CC characteristics then I could not even imagined that this could be true. On the one hand she is the most confident and stable dog I ever met, but on the other hand she is the sweetest girl I ever had, who goes well together with anybody. When it is needed she will be the bravest protector of me and my property, but when it is not needed she is the most have-to-love clownish big doggy you ever met. You just have to love her. I take her everywhere with me and everywhere she is a star. She just know how to make people and other animals to love herÂ
Today I know that my decision for CC was one of the best in my life. But before I decided for my girl, I was thinking a lot if I am the right person for CC, if I could offer a CC everything he/she needs. Before I had experiences with dogs, but in my family we had always just German Shepherds, that are known as easily trainable and I knew even then that CC is a totally different dog. I was also afraid that CC would be too much of a dog for me. I am some kind of choleric person but if something I am not, I am not even a bit aggressive. But on my surprise, life with my girl, socializing and training of her was the simplest thing ever. We just match so perfectly that it seems to me now that she didn't even need any training, that she is like that just by her nature... And I have to say that she is very good socialized and obedient. Not perfect, but... Yes, I confess, she is a little bit too spoiled... But what would be the life without dog on your bed
By the way, I am 31 and I am glad that I found the place for friendly CC-lovers with constructive dialogs instead of verbal insults. And I am even gladder that as it seems the majority of members are from Europe.