My name is Dave and I am a Corso lover. Although I do not currently have one I am very familiar with them and feel that they are indeed the most versitile dog onthe planet. I can not think of one task that they are incapable of completing, except maybe going into a small hole after a tiny varmint. Then they would just dig a bigger hole. But seriously they have the potential to learn and perform any job that any other dog can do.
I had a VERY good male that was incredible. In the 7 years that I had him, he learned to track both man and beast. He was an expert catch dog that would catch anything I told him to, he carted, was a formidable guardian yet was never overly aggressive. This dog was the real deal and the total package. As a family member he was always polite, respectful of others, and always predictable. Stability is another trait that everyone commented on. He had nerves of steel and it was very obvious especially when a stressfull situation arose. This dog could easily run 10 miles as I rode my bicycle and would pull his cart with no problem. I actually built the cart so he could transport all the camping gear to a pond that did not allow any motor vehicles. The 2 1/2 mile trot was easily covered even when loaded with 2 days worth of gear. He rode in a vehicle with joy, and never caused any trouble. This was without a doubt, "The Ultimate In K9 Companionship"
Since his loss, I have wanted another but will simply not accept a lesser quality dog. I will surely get another when the time is right but right now I have a great American Bulldog that is really starting to show some wonderful potential. I will still, always love the Corso. Good Luck and God Bless you all.