Author Topic: Hello i´m a new member  (Read 7558 times)


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Re: Hello i´m a new member
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2006, 03:21:19 PM »
Yes I love my Dogos, too .... but like you, I think I will get no more Dogos !!
Dogos are very special and quite difficult in their social behavior.
They are difficult among themselves and difficult with other dogs.
And they love hunting over all ....
My male is so crazy he isn´t afraid of any other animal and he wants to hunt every animal he sees (cows, rabbits, horses, cats, wild boar, ducks.....) so mostly i cant go out without a leash.
Because of that i can´t take them to our horses and things like that....
For me I decide that I will only take a dogo again if I will use them for Hunting.
Dogos are Hunting-machines  ;) for this a Dogo is the perfect dog!!

Because of that I´m looking for an other race without such a  big hunting instinct and a little bit easier in their social behavior.

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Re: Hello i´m a new member
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2006, 05:26:09 PM »
You just mentioned the exact same reasons as why I never will have another Dogo Argentino in my life. My Bigfoot spend the last 5 years on leash only, because when ever he had the chance he went hunting on his own. Did not come home. Did not even care where he slept. One time we found him at a farm near us. He ate the food from that farmer's GSD and went to his kitchendoor waiting to be let inside to sleep after diner. That farmer luckily was not afraid of that huge strange white dog sitting at his kitchen door. But no way he was going to let him inside his house. So he put Bigfoot in the kennel from his GSD. Bigfoot was ok with that and just went to sleep there. He never barked. He did not care where he slept. But he just was used to a good nap after diner. He lived in his own world, where hunting was the most important thing. It was almost like he did not care about us or the other dogs. But when other dogs died here of old age, he was the dog who suffered the most. Those were the times I noticed how much he did care about us and our other dogs.
For me a Dogo is a dog that needs a large property where he can hunt all he wants. Not a city dog. It's only because the Cane Corso was very hard to get in 1993 when we got our first Dogo. No internet and no idea where to get a good Corso. And some idiot spreading the word that a Corso pup costed 25.000 guilders (12.000 euros). That's why we got more Dogos after our first one. If I only knew then what I know now................ ;) I have found my breed ;D

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Re: Hello i´m a new member
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2006, 08:50:56 PM »
Hello and welcome  :)

hope you´ll enjoy

ciao  8)