
My name is Tomislava and I am new here. I am from Split (that's in Croatia), and I have Cane Corso named Jupiter-Zeus Sangue Magnifica.

He is 16 months old now. He was born 03.06.2009. Here are some of his photos.... hope you'll like it!

5 weeks old

about 6 months old, 6.5 months old

7-8 months old

12.5 months old

I have a lot of other photos from Zeus, but more next time.....
If you still want to see them, here are few links:
http://www.sanguemagnifica.com/Jupiter.htmlhttp://www.ljubimci-forum.com/index.php?topic=101823.0... and you can find me on facebook also, my fb name is: Jupiter-Zeus Sangue Magnifica
That's it from me for now........