
anybody know where to find a breeder close by?

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Author Topic: hello from bc canada  (Read 10025 times)

Offline canecorsonancy

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2011, 01:55:36 AM »
You asked a question to Jolayne and she nicely answered it. Lisa asked you a question, you write a lot, but no answer. I ask you the same question and again, you write a lot and no answer.
I don't write you an email, because with your set of ethics, who knows what part you will publish in public. Speaking about things being torn out of context ::) So I do it all in public. At least everybody can read exactly what I wrote and not just the part that you feel good to use ;)
Personally I have a lot of experience with the above mentioned kennel. I traveled half Europe with her to get her female. I know all the brothers and sisters of this dog in person and am still in touch with all the owners. I helped her find a male years ago for the female she had at that time. From this breeding is the male she has now. I think we can call this extensive personal experience. Not only with her, but also her dogs and the bloodlines. That's not just hearsay.
If you question a recommendation, without saying why, I and many with me would suggest you have a problem with the recommended kennel. Now you twist and turn with reasons why. What were your personal experiences with the breeders of your dogs?? How many Cane Corsos do you have anyway and how many breeders do you have extensive personal experiences with? I am just curious to know, because to me you sound like a newbie questioning a recommendation based on only hearsay...... I am in the breed and on forums for many many years, enough to pick those out. I don't question every member. But when it comes to recommendations and answers from newbies, yes, I ask my questions. And no answers to me mean that I am usually right.
I am here as a person and breeder. You question me as admin. As admin I can say you did violate the rules by posting a part of a personal message. People have been banned for that you know. What ever Jolayne sent to you in a personal message is personal. It is you who put it in public (out of context) on the forum. Don't lecture about ethics ;) It would just be nice if you answer Lisa's question and also mine.

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2011, 02:24:04 AM »
Jolayne nicely answered it? NO. She sent me a not so nice PM and only answered after you and Lisa had posts up… Just to clarify, isn’t part of the rules also “Treat everybody with respect. Bahsing and personal attacks are not allowed!” if so, a personal PM I received did feel like a personal attack…

You ask me “the same” question? Which question is that and HOW IS IT RELEVANT TO THIS TOPIC EXACTLY?

Well, if you do not feel comfortable with emails (I guess you must have had some bad experiences with things being posted), then I guess don’t send me an email…I don’t really care one way or another…

So, Nancy, this is EXACTLY what I was asking for initially. What experience Jolayne had with Lisa. Seems like a simple enough question to me. So, since you have all that experience with Lisa, I am sure you should be recommending her. Sure does sound like she has exceptional dogs.
Now I am confused – does Jolayne has the same experience or am I not allowed to ask that?

Oh, BTW, I was ASKING A QUESTION, not QUESTIONING THE RECOMMENDATION – if you cannot see the difference, I cannot help you there…sorry.

Also, had I recommended a breeder, I would see why you would be entitled to ask me about my experiences and so on. However, all I asked was why Antiquity was recommended by a person who bought her dog from States.  Again, seems like a simple enough question to me and pretty innocent…

And where did I question you as admin? Please do tell!

Oh, and I NEVER  “twist and turn” because unlike so many, I do not have an ugly baggage of lies…

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2011, 02:26:58 AM »

Oh, and now I can also see why I am getting attacked - because Lisa is your good friend and somehow you decided I was judgmental towards her...

So, I am not allowed to ask ANYTHING about people who are your friends? Even if my questions are relevant to the topic and NOT offensive at all?

I thought an admin is supposed to be impartial?

Wow, talk about ethics...

Offline canecorsonancy

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2011, 02:44:08 AM »
Again a lot of words and no answers.
You guess I had a bad experience......... out of context conversations being posted is not new to me. Since you guess, it means you did not know.......... it proofs me right that you are a newbie and don't have the experience you would like to pretend to have yet.
My extensive personal experience with Lisa, made me NOT post a recommendation ;) Read back...... I still did not do that.
Also, a face book page created on Sunday with 2 pictures on it and no information...
Sounds questioning to me ::)

Staceface, I know a few breeders in Alberta, as when I was researching to get my dog, I started locally. I ended up importing from NY, but can share my knowledge about CC breeders in Alberta. PM me if you are interested in a particular breeder, and I can let you know if I met them and what my impression was...Just FYI, some of the people I train my dog with had rotties before, wanted/ looked into getting a CC and ended up getting another rottie pup, as they did not want to ship and could not find a dog that would fit their requirements locally. But people have different preferences / tastes, and it does not mean you cannot find a pup that will suit your needs / expectations in AB / BC :)
This to me sounds like you have experiences with breeders in BC. You ask Jolayne about her experiences and she answered. I ask you about yours and still............ no answer.....

I replied, because I see an in my eyes newbie post, who claims to have experience. You have proven already that you are a newbie. Yet I still wait for answers about your experience in the breed and with breeders......

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2011, 02:59:46 AM »

Dearest Alla,

Since you seem to fail in answering the basic questions that people are asking, let me tell them what some of the answers are.  Maybe then you will see why your initial post to Jolayne was judgmental.

Question 1:

Alla where you referred to your breeder? 

Answer:  Yes

Question 2:

Alla did this person purchase a dog from your breeder?

Answer:  NO  they purchased from different breeder

Question 3:

Alla did this person have any dealings with your breeder? 
Answer :  NO, they never even talked to that breeder before.

So here you preach to someone posting who they want to recommend and based on your ethics  they should not have posted because to your knowledge they did not deal with them or because they purchased elsewhere  Yet this is what you did... you purchased a dog from a breeder that was referred to you by someone who not only has never spoken to your breeder, but purchased their dog elsewhere.    Are you not happy with your breeder or dog? 

Offline canecorsonancy

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2011, 03:19:44 AM »
Thanks for the answers Lisa. Those were not too difficult.

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2011, 03:24:24 AM »
OK, as clear as I can be:

1.   Nancy, do you really want me to say that I know what pictures and posts were posted here about you? I decided to leave it out of this conversation because a – its not relevant and b – I have common sense and a sense of decency…
2.   I did apologies for the FB comment…I knew she had a website, and as such, found a link to FB page amusing and that made me wonder if Jolayne really knows a breeder well enough to recommend.
3.   “This to me sounds like you have experiences with breeders in BC.”  Well, again, start by reading and STOP TWISTING MY WORDS! I clearly said “ I know a few breeders in Alberta …can share my knowledge about CC breeders in Alberta.” I never said anything about BC…
4.   “You ask Jolayne about her experiences and she answered. “ I asked Jolayne why she recommended particular breeder. AGAIN, RELEVANT to the topic and OBVIOUS QUESTION since she states “I got my female from Colorado.”, yet, she recommends a BC breeder…made me CURIOUS, that’s all.
5.   I NEVER claimed to have a lot of experience. PLEASE STOP TWISTING MY WORDS! In fact, I said in my earlier post: “Did I claim anywhere to have a lot of experience? Was I offensive to the breeder? Did I say the breeder was bad / unethical / not worth looking at? NO.”

So, since you are constantly twisting my words and asking me completely irrelevant questions, I think I will stop wasting my time…I see we will get no where and all you are looking for is a fight over an innocent question. I am sorry – I simply have no time for that. 

Offline canecorsonancy

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2011, 03:33:45 AM »
You guess.... yet you knew. Talk about a twist of words. Those pics were not me ;) But you could have guessed that too or....... i guess you knew. It's not me who brought it up. AGAIN it is YOU who brought it up. You keep bringing things up ::) Funny since you were not around yet at that time ;)
Lisa answered the questions now. So I finally have the answers. No need to waste my time on this either.

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2011, 03:43:07 AM »

Lisa, where Exactly are you getting this information from? I NEVER met you or talked to you, as such, what you are doing now is spreading rumors.

So, this is what all this is about?  You are being manipulated by a “friend”…if only you knew what she talks about her friends behind their backs…

Well, somehow I am not surprised. I mean when a person creates fake FB account to spy on me – how pathetic is that? And it’s the same person who was sending me emails while crying on the phone saying how I was her closest friend (note in the city she lived her whole life!!!!) and bagging me not to tell people how she trashed them…wow, pitty is the ONLY feeling I have for her… Oh, wait, that’s the same person who trashes every Canadian CC club and pretty much any breeder…oh, wow, that’s impressive source of information…LMFAO!

“Yet this is what you did... you purchased a dog from a breeder that was referred to you by someone who not only has never spoken to your breeder, but purchased their dog elsewhere.    Are you not happy with your breeder or dog? “

I was referred to a LINE of dogs, not a particular breeder. I looked into those lines in more detail and loved them.  Then, I called EVERY breeder I could find who had those lines…
If you really must know, I spent hours and hours and hours on the phone and Skype talking to my breeder before I committed. I was selecting from 4 completely different breeders, and I made sure to communicate that to each one of them. By the time I was committing, I felt much more comfortable with my breeder. Once I got the dog, we became good friends and I could Not have been happier with my breeder! Is that Clear enough? I believe I made a BEST EDUCATED DECISION based on research first of all!

Note that later, breeders who were recommended to me were vigorously trashed by the same person. Also, other breeders, including Jolayne’s breeder were trashed to me… Ask this person’s permission to post those emails, while we are at it! I do have her “recommendations”…

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2011, 03:45:10 AM »
Oh, Nancy, ask you friend who was giving me all the recommendations about the pictures...this is how information or, shall we say, rumors travel...

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2011, 06:04:49 PM »
After several complains about posting a part of a PM and requests to ban, we decided to ban Alla from this forum for violating privacy. Please do not reply anymore to her posts, as from this moment, she can no longer defend herself.
The Cane Corso Forum team

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Re: hello from bc canada
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2011, 08:33:59 PM »
Hi Stace, I am not going to get caught up in the drama that unfolded here. Just to let you know, the only breeder that I know of in B.C. that is worth contacting is Lisa from Antiquity. From what I understand she has been involved with the Corso for many years. She is very willing to talk about the Corso and any questions you may have about the breed. Lisa was very happy to oblige when I asked if I could come and meet her and her dogs. I plan on doing this within a few weeks.