I will make some more, but please give me time, untill they are big enough to eat themselfe. at the moment, i have taken time off from my job, to be able to help stasia raising the puppys. I have been bottlefeading them, every second hour for 10 days, and havent had time to do much else.I feel like a zombie

So all photos are from the birth, there is no new ones
Stasia got infection in the woom (i am not sure of the spelling), so I have been fighting to get her back on her feats. She have been very sick, but is ok now. her fever was 40 degrees, and the vethospital was acting very much like amatheurs. When I went there with her, I had to tell them what to do to her, it was a nightmare.
They wanted her to lay on the cold stonefloor, with this high fever and wait for hours, before the vet had time!
And they didnt wanted to give her any medicine, before we got the test result back from the lab, 2 days later! If I had listend to them, Stasia would be dead now. So I told them to give her liquid by drop, vitamin B for the appetite, and something to make the woom start contrucktion (cant spell that one eighter). And afcouse some strong penicillin.. after arguing with them for a while, they finally did what I said, and after 4 heavy days, the fever stopped.
beside stasia and her puppys, i allso have all the other dogs and animals to take care of. Donna have puppys to. so much work for 1 person, but I have maneged, and everybody is doing fine. I just neeed some sleep

so more photos soone, just not now...