Author Topic: new baby girl on the way!  (Read 7235 times)

Offline Bassclef

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Re: new baby girl on the way!
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2007, 10:45:27 PM »
If I had a choice I would crop - as with keeping within the history of the breed, I don't think mean comes into it, its about preserving a standard and most of us have had THAT choice taken away :( :(

If the dog is well trained then it does not matter what shape are the ears  ;D

Offline Kelly

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Re: new baby girl on the way!
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2007, 11:54:07 PM »
William, I agree with you.  I think the cropped dog has a great look.  But that it looks mean, I don't like, and I don't want to put people off by that.  The size alone is enough.
I've always felt that cropping shouldn't be done because....OW...poor puppy....but I would never put my opinion on anyone in these forums, people have their views, etc.
HOWEVER....while I was away, my dogs, my brothers dogs, and my mom's dogs were all being taken care of in the same house.  Different living quarters though, my dogs are in the suite upstairs, but they all shared the same yard.  My brothers' male greyhound got real cranky and bit my Bullmastiff in the ear, and I think it went right thru.  She has huge ears, having never been cropped.  My poor baby, I can imagine how this must have hurt.  No one noticed it at the time, but she does have a big scab on her ear, doesn't look like there is any infection, but that is something to consider too, it can be used as something for another dog to grab onto in a fight. 
When my Jovo was attacked a couple of years ago the dog ripped his ear to shreds.  It took a long time to heal. 
But I do love to play with their soft ears.
Lots to consider, pros and cons of each.