Clips I just put on a server with FTP and I post a link to it on the forum. I just have the luck that I have access to the forumdomain with FTP. I needed that to upload the Corso heads as buttons and the logo in the header. You can put a clip on any domain you have access to and post the direct link to it. Or, send it to me by e-mail and I will put it on the forumdomain. But..... This is Rob's server and I don't know if you've noticed how many pictures I have on my website. Those are also all on Rob's server. It looks like I can do this unlimited. I act like it is unlimited. But no webserver in the world has unlimited space. When Rob says it's enough, the first files that I will delete are clips and files I used on other forums. The last thing I want to delete or limit is the pictures on my private website.