Author Topic: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano  (Read 40024 times)

Offline Aurora Nel Cielo

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2007, 09:21:12 AM »
I wouth have done the same if there was problem and one puppy.

And what happen with:
that the dog is humans best friend.

Killing healty puppys is seak.

Offline Sarka

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2008, 02:49:15 PM »
On the World dog show 2008 oppen class winn female from my kennel Doris Corso of Bajer in the owning of this kennel. In the english version has the owner very nice wort about the female (and also about our kennel), but I was surprice and cant belivet, when I read about the same dog in the sweden version in swedish (whit help of the translation) the worts, what write the owner of the kennel :o :

"Donna kommer fra en kennel, hvor hundene ikke bliver socialiseret, og det har påvirket hendes psyke kraftigt.
Donna is from a kennel where the dogs are not socialised, it have affected her character/ mentality very much.
Jeg fandt også ud af, at hun er blevet fjernet alt for tidligt fra sin mor, og det går jo udover hundens selvtillid.
I also found that she was taken from her mom to soon, and that is making the dog have bad self confidence.
Derfor har jeg måtte holde hende hjemme fra shows, i 2 år. Hun fik panik angst anfald, når hun kom i ringen.
Because of this I had to keep her from shows for 2 years, she got panic attacks when she entered the ring.
Donna har været i special træning, hos Handleren Nicola Mille i Italien, hele foråret/forsommeren 2008 for at ændre på dette.
Donna have been in special training with handler Nicola Miller in 2008 for this.
Det er blevet bedre, men er ikke blevet 100% iorden desværre.
It is better but not 100%
Det er ærgeligt, for når man køber en hund som showhund, forventer man også at hunden fungerer mentalt. Men af skade bliver man klog, og jeg køber aldrig hund fra den kennel igen(eller andre kenneler hvor det er industri-dyr og ikke kæledyr).
It is making me mad, because when you buy a dog for show, you expect the dog to be ok in mentality. But from experience you learn, and I will never buy a dog from that kennel again (or other kennel that keep "industry-dogs"  "

Then my reaktion was first sat, after anry and finaly I wont to write her and correct all the worts. I write to her today a email:

Hello Susane,

I dont know how I has to begin, but Im sure you will understand what I mean.

I went to your homepage to write you comlimenti for Doris result in the shows and I was shocked, when I see what you write on the "home" version in your homepage!?

I was always very oppen and friendly whit you. When you has contact me 3 years ago and you wont buy good CC puppy female for lovely price, I has offer you our Doris 3 months old (whit natural ears) for 900 euro. You has like the female and for your special wish I went her cropp in faw days, before you was coomming pick up her. You was personaly in my kennel and has meet me, my family- my husband, my duaghter, the son of my sister- we all was friendly whit you, we has pick you up in the aiport and the same day we drive you back again also whit Doris, my husband take you whit me in the lunch and all gratis for you, because we has hope we got new friend in Skandinavia..

You was happy when you saw first time Doris, she was also whit us in the restaurant and you was surpises about her very good charackter (and you has explain me, that you first CC female has very bad charackter when she was puppy and you was sooo happy that Doris has so good charackter!) You meet her sisters I keep for me self- Dupina, Debie and Daphne- all whit the same sweet charackter, you meet Nina- the mother whit very stable, sweet and fantastic charackter, you meet her granddad Jones and you self write only famous worts about him and also the visit in my kennel in your english version in your homepage!

One year latter you has got problemm in Sweden because Doris was cropped and I know you write very bad letter to Czech kennel club, that Im cropp my dogs ilegal (which is of course not true, because in Czech is corpping from veterinar mitov possibille, just showing is not possibille!!!) and I cant belivet, you has do this, because I cropp Doris of your special wish!!!!!!!!! (She has natural ears, when I offer her for sale to you).

But the same year you has ask me for a new puppy from my kennel and my answer you know. Of course I dont wont to give you any more puppy and if you are angry of this my decision, still is not motiv to write such lie about me and my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donna kommer fra en kennel, hvor hundene ikke bliver socialiseret, og det har påvirket hendes psyke kraftigt.
Donna is from a kennel where the dogs are not socialised, it have affected her character/ mentality very much.

All my dogs are living whit us in the home in garden, all dogs from my kennel are friendly and loves me, my family, my all animals,... which you has self seen when you visit us and you has just speak in superlativ aout us in my home! Any of my dog was not friendly whit you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeg fandt også ud af, at hun er blevet fjernet alt for tidligt fra sin mor, og det går jo udover hundens selvtillid.
I also found that she was taken from her mom to soon, and that is making the dog have bad self confidence.

What is this shit Susanne??????????????????????????????? All my dogs are living together, which you see self and until 8 weeks they are always nonstop whit the mother!!!! Im also one of the breeder which keep the puppies until 10 weeks minimum in my home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you explain me this big shit lie????????????????????????

Derfor har jeg måtte holde hende hjemme fra shows, i 2 år. Hun fik panik angst anfald, når hun kom i ringen.
Because of this I had to keep her from shows for 2 years, she got panic attacks when she entered the ring.

Wha is this for shit? I saw Doris self and speak also whit the handler Nicola and also he told me the same, what I think, the female has any correct trenink for the show and she just hate the fast lish on her neck, this is all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this is problemm of the trenink for show! How she can winn whit 9 months on her first show Certifikat, when she would be panic in the show??????????????

Donna har været i special træning, hos Handleren Nicola Mille i Italien, hele foråret/forsommeren 2008 for at ændre på dette.
Donna have been in special training with handler Nicola Miller in 2008 for this.

Nicola told me she has not need any special trenink and he told me she like him from the first momment and is very sweet dog!!!!! (dog whit panic charackter????????????????????????)

Det er blevet bedre, men er ikke blevet 100% iorden desværre.
It is better but not 100%

The female winn now so lot show and is not 100% for the show?? This is just joke...

Det er ærgeligt, for når man køber en hund som showhund, forventer man også at hunden fungerer mentalt. Men af skade bliver man klog, og jeg køber aldrig hund fra den kennel igen(eller andre kenneler hvor det er industri-dyr og ikke kæledyr).
It is making me mad, because when you buy a dog for show, you expect the dog to be ok in mentality. But from experience you learn, and I will never buy a dog from that kennel again (or other kennel that keep "industry-dogs"

Belive me, this is somethink incredible!!! I produced one i 2004 years just 2 litters, in 2005 just 3 litters (inclusive the litter of Doris) and I keep from this 3 litter for me 7 puppies- this is for you industry dog????? My first litter in 2008 borns just last months! Are you so crazy or so stupid or so not serious person, if you write somethink like this oficial in your homepage!!!!!??????? How money puppies produced your company friend in Polonia? How money puppies produced you??????? Kennely whit 2-3 litter every year is for you industry dog?????????? What for shit you write about me and my family??? When we got puppies, we take frie from work, all our family take the care aout the puppies, they are growing whit us at home, sleep whit us in bad and this is for you industry? Belive me, my husband is more angry then me self, when he rememebr you at our home and all was for you perfect and now we read this shit? What is this? What happened whit you Susane???? Many people told me about you only bad story and I still has not belivet, now I see how naiv I was and that you are realy very strange person!

I has more possibillity what I can to do. I can ignorate you (but whit this I will akcept what you write and I cant akcept any of your shit and lie worts you write in your sweden version!!!!

Even if in the english version is the opossit.

Or I can wait about you, that you self make all again cleen, correct and serious.

Or of course I can look for a help whit the advocat and international trial.

In my long breeding historie (since 1996) I never meet such not serious person as you and Im still hope that all is because you are angry I dont wont to sale you any more dogs (from my "dog industry area" !!!).

Best regards
Sarka Bajerova and family


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And the answer I got very quickly (in some minuts). This is the answer:

fuck of

2008/7/11 <>:


__________ NOD32 3261 (20080711) Information __________

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I hope this is the first and the last owner of our dogs such stupid, umserious and primitiv  as Susen Arenholtz ::)


Offline Aurora Nel Cielo

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2008, 03:51:42 PM »
I have mail with same kind of answer
she was with out phone not paid, with out money for repair of car 2 times, with out money for hotel in Polen, with out money for phone bill, with out money for x-rays of stasia, with out money for grosery and cigarets, I paid for her, was going to get a puppy for it, never got the puppy, didnt get all my money back, only very litle!!! has my mastercard and recets to prove it.

Got same ansver fuck off and so on,
plus mails written to Swedish Kennel klub not in her name regarding my own dogs, she has never been at my house but are still able to write stuff there are not through to swedish kennel club.

She used the same mail
adress not in her name to write to me, got the coppy from Swedish kennel club of mails she has written to theme regarding lies of me.

She are waisting the kennelclubs time by her false acusations.  ??? ???

Offline Jessica

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2008, 04:07:44 PM »
I can only feel sorry for a person like this. She has made threaths towards me on e-mail and said very very bad things about ALL swedish breeders and also Italian. She thinks that we are all jelous of her dogs.  ::) ::)
It started when I contacted her about her breeding made with 2 of her dogs with Hd C Ed 1 on the female and Hd D Ed 1 on the male. My question about this, she could not take, and started being really mean.

*** Dogs for life ***

Offline Aurora Nel Cielo

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2008, 02:12:31 AM »
I realy dont like if a persen there buy a dog, dont take up the matter with the breeder, I have buy dogs and I prefer to argue with breeder not making a game to show bad matters on my homepage in another language, I have argue with breeders where I have dogs from, and we are still friends.

I am realy upset that Sarka have to prove her self from a dog so very and very god in breeding. with so god show results, it makes me upset.

where have the world come to, behaving like that!!!!

 if my was dog I would be happy.

Well I got Italia from Montse and Flauros, I am very happy.

I got Grace and Monsita from Luigi I am happy we will argue to all time, but still respekt from me.