You know
I’m not the owner of the forum, that’s Nancy.
I talked to her, and we both understand your problem.
But, Nancy says, if a 150 regular posters on the forum throw dirt at other people, the forum will be killed in a month, and she doesn’t want that, that’s not what the forum is for.
So we stick to the rules, and deleted the link in your story.
And, your lucky for 2 things, 1 your dealing with me now, not with Nancy, cause she’s more easy and normally you would have a ban already
Point 2, your new here, and we understand your problem, so that’s why you are not banned right now.
This forum is to learn, not to make wars. Even if I totally agree with you.
So please, no names. Tell about the situation, not names.
Enjoy the forum, and sorry for your loss