I had the advantage of growing up with my brother who was a computerfreak before everybody had them. You won't believe with what computers we started

No harddirve, no floppy but using cassetrecorders which took forever to start a program and lots of funny noises. And when after a couple of tries we were done, the games we could play.... Racing with 2 dots, being hit by other dots. Super high tech at that time

After that the first floppies. It took 10 to start a program. But wow, so much better than the cassetrecorder. That was really high tech stuff! My brother's first harddrive. 16 MB's! Wow, we never had to use floppies any more! We thought

I only took a break after I left my parents house. But 3 years later I got my own computer. It had windows......... Gosh, I did not know what to do with that mouse. I was used to using MS dos...... But besides the introduction of windows, I have seen the computer evolution from up close. I've lived in it till just before Windows arrived

The only problem with my brother was that the first thing he always did was taking everything apart to see how it worked

So I'm happy I don't live with him any more. Now I never have to wait again till he finished putting the computer back together