Author Topic: Hello from Chicago, IL  (Read 2269 times)

Offline SusanG

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Hello from Chicago, IL
« on: June 22, 2012, 02:13:33 AM »
Hello group, First off I want to introduce myself. My name is Susan, I am a mother of 2 teenage girls and I own 6 American Bulldogs. I have been active in the ab community for 8 yrs and have been showing in conformation and protection training my dogs for just about that equal time. My reason for joining this board is to invite you fine Cane Corso owners to a show we have been planning for some time now. If its ok I would like to share some of what we will be doing.

Here's some of what we will be doing: Canine Yoga, CGC testing, ACAL testing, TAN testing. We will be having 4, Champion Canine Club conformation showings (all breed conformation) in this weekend event with cash awards being given. We will also be hosting an Olympic Dog competiton which includes, 2 hardest hitting, a drag sled pull, a timed sprint race, and a tug o war. We are also hosting a novice protection tournament. Also we are awaiting confirmation of FedAB event to be held the same weekend. I will be posting more information and links to everything in the next few days, if its ok with the admin on this board. I hope to see and meet some of you at the show.

Mark the date Sept 1st - 2nd
@ Schiller Woods Grove 3
8400 W Irving PK RD, Schiller Pk, IL.

Our meet and greet will be at August 31st @ 6:30 pm
 Maywood Racetrack
 8600 W North Ave
 Maywood, IL