Hello honey
Lovely to have you on here.
What Jerome does not mention that him and his lovely family are going through the horrors of Cruciate Ligament at the moment and really could do with advice from a few who have been through it.. I am sure he has read the thread on it but any further help you could give him, I really would appreciate.
Thank you x
Hello Jerome, welcome onboard.
Sorry about my english understand Jojo, but I understood you mentioned about his dog ligament.
There are 4 days since my dog made a TPLO surgery due a ligament rupture.Since then I could see he is moving much better then before.Today he was jumping and the most difficult part is to keep him quite, cause now he has a new CG(center of gravity)no more lame.No more discomfort.
He has 5 years old and his recovery is looking like the same as a cold, fast.Being youngster the recovery will be faster.Find a good vet and go a head!!!
Good luck!