Author Topic: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano  (Read 40228 times)

Offline del_angelo

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Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« on: June 02, 2007, 11:04:19 AM »
I have been a registratet breeder for 27 years, with other breeds than my angels.

in 2002 I got my first cane corso, and today I have 7 cane corso. My dogs are my best freinds, and I treat them, with love and respect, without forgetting they are still dogs  :)

some of them live inside my house and sleep in my bed, some live outside. every dog is different and not all of them, like to stay inside. I havent made any puppys untill, the 2 litters i have now, because I wantet to gather enough knowledge about the good and the bad things, in the breed. Otherwise it would be like fumbling in the dark, I think. but thats just my oppinion, and im just trying to do my best, in benefit of the breed.

My breding goul is, to make dogs who are both show winners and have excellent working abilitys. I admire the true corso nature, and will do anything to keep the dogs that way- strong and alured, but great familypets in the same time. but i guess, thats what we all try to do

I have very high demands to my selfe as a breeder, and do not sell dogs with unorthorished white markings, pigtails ect.I try to make dogs, with strong heads and very strong bones. I like the big cane corso type, like fx the russian dogs :)


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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2007, 11:55:11 AM »
So what will you do when you ever get a Corso with too much white or a kink tail? Put it to sleep???
Sooner or later you will run into problems like that, will you just kill them because of a defect, will they just be worthlessly for you?

You are still the breeder and you produced them and they can live a normal life as pets.  Nobody is perfect....

Offline Sarka

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2007, 01:20:24 PM »
Good question Sandra! :-\

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2007, 02:59:05 PM »
quote author=del_angelo link=topic=1428.msg15968#msg15968 date=1180778659]
... and im just trying to do my best, in benefit of the breed.
... but i guess, thats what we all try to do

So what will you do when you ever get a Corso with too much white or a kink tail? Put it to sleep???
Sooner or later you will run into problems like that, will you just kill them because of a defect, will they just be worthlessly for you?

You are still the breeder and you produced them and they can live a normal life as pets.  Nobody is perfect....

Sandra give a chance, cause as she said is trying to do her best. She waited for 3 years and now she got her litter.Let her celebrate.
No one is free for the shoes stones as nobody is perfect.
360º Cane Corso


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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2007, 03:11:58 PM »
Sandra give a chance, cause as she said is trying to do her best. She waited for 3 years and now she got her litter.Let her celebrate.
No one is free for the shoes stones as nobody is perfect.
Yes, but since she says that she is a new breeder and it is her first litter, how can she say the that she never will sell dogs with too much white or kink tail. Let her breed some more litters and she will find out that this is not possible...
I am sure, no breeder wants to end up with problems like that but sooner will have to face it, like I said, nobody is perfect. But I hate when people tell how perfect they are before they even start to really breed...

Offline del_angelo

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2007, 03:54:18 PM »
yes I am a new breeder regarding cane corso, but I have 27 years of experience as a breeder of other breeds. And I have brought up, many champions in my time.

I think (and this is afcouse just my oppionin), that as a breeder, we/I have a big responsibility bringing up correct cane corso. Especially because our breed was cloose to die out. If I get puppys here, with serious disqualifing faults, I will bring them to the vet. familiy pets or not.The only one that decision hurts, is me. I am the one, that to go to the vet, with pain in my heart.It is no fun to a thing like this. The puppys dont feel a thing.I am a breeder, because I want to contribute to the breed, with the best I can.

I am not bringing puppys into the world, just to make puppys.. In some countrys the standart is a skandal, and that is because people let everything live, and even breed on the dogs, that have serious faults.there is puppys enough in this world that need a good home. No reason to make more of them. go to a lokal animal shelter, and take a look around. if people wants a familypet, i suggest they go there..

If you want to build up the breed, you cant have dogs that have white all over, or pigtails or anything else like that. because people start to breed them, no matter what they look like. And then the breed dont have a serious future, after my oppinion.

I could have startet to breed years ago on my female, like a lot of people do. They get a dog, and as soon as it is old enough, they start to make puppys. Some people dont even travel to find a good male, they just use what comes in handy, in there own country.

I spended time to get my female winning so many prices in different countrys, before I even concidered making any puppys. I have been trying to gather as mush information as possible from the old corso breeders, and i spended so many hours, studing the different lines look. Because there is many bad cane corso, not looking correct, and I wanted to be sure about what I did. I wanted to make strong dogs, brave like lions, with big bones and beautifull heads. Not boxerfaces, not small dogs with bones like a labrador. And dogs with a great karakter and stong personality.This took time to do, and this year I finally found that I was ready.

Look at my puppys. I did do a good job. hardly no white markings, just a little on the cheast or on the cheak, if any at all. Strong heads, short noses and super strong bones.afcouse not all of Stasias puppys have perfect head, because of there mother, but if they gets her absolutly wonderfol moovements, topline,cheats, her perfect angulations and her exceptional caracter, I still did a good job. This litter is the first generation, in my own line of dogs. I know my dogs forces and faults, and im working on making the not perfect things, better.

I know, that a lot of people get upset by my way of doing this. But in my eyes, this is what seperate a serious breeder from an amathour. Bash me for my oppinion if you like, but this is the way, I feel about breeding dogs, and I think you should respect that. Being a breeder is not just about making  puppys. It is to contribute to the breed, with the best you can...


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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2007, 04:09:00 PM »
So you can be lucky that you don't breed in Germany because here it is against the law to kill puppies without a seriousmedical reason and you would never find a vet that does it...
And the second thing is that every litter will be controlled by the kennel club and if there is a default like too much white or kink tails, the dog does not get breeding rights in the pedigree and later would never pass the breeding test. So for sure no puppies after a dog like that (at least not with pedigrees).

If I breed, I will welcome every puppy I produce, no matter how good or bad. I am responsible for what I produce because I breed dogs
which are living creatures, there always can go something wrong. When I start to loose the respect for life, I will find another hobby for me but I would never kill an animal just because I think it is not looking good enough and I cannot respect people that think like this...

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2007, 06:42:51 PM »
that is your oppinion and I respect that, but I dont agree. and im really happy that im not a german breeder, if that is the conditions. Though the german kennelklub are doing one really great thing. According to you, they dont give that kind of dogs a pedigree. If that was the matter where I live, I wouldnt have to put anyone to sleep.
But that is not the case in Sweden, where people even use that kind of dogs for breeding.

Offline Jenny

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2007, 10:12:13 PM »
I feel like my english isnt good enough to get to involved in this discussion but i wonder if theres a litter with mutch white and kink tails....
If you put those pupps down beacuse of that why do you leave all the rest to grow up? They have still got the same genes as those  pupps you put to sleep.... I dont get it??? Offcourse you shouldnt breed those dogs with deformed tails but if you really dig in to it you end up with zero, nada left  ::) ???

I work with transgenic mices its almost only inbreeding, if i get a litter with deformed pupps i do not put any of theese offspring in to breeding.
So if you want to pull it hard, do it right. Dont even use those littermates of the onces with to mutch white and kinktails that you put down in your breeding.

Offline del_angelo

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2007, 07:59:52 AM »
 hello jenny
your swedish right?? write to me in swedish if its difficould in english, i understand all swedish.

its logic that if I have unfurtune one day, and get puppys with deformed tails ect. I would never again use those 2 dogs for breeding. that goes without saying.

But if you have one litter of puppys and some have to much white, then it doesnt mean, that the puppys without the white, is still carring the white colorgeen. colors and fysikal defekts are 2 different things.

in the nature, most animalt who gets to much white(in a spicie that is not suppose to be white), will often be killed by its own kind, or the mother wont nurce it.

if all kennelclubs kept the FCI standard, and refused dogs with strong defekts to get a pedigree, there would be no reason to make a selection like I do, to make sure the breed will stay true to the standart. But as long as people can and do breed on dogs, with fx a whole white bottom side, or even white legs and pigtails, I could never sell a dog like that to anyone.puppy buyers say one thing when they get the puppy, but very often they do the excat oppsit than agreed.and even if you have a contract, you can do nothing.

if dogs that are fare away from the standard, with disqualifieng faults, can win in the showring in some countrys, or make pedigreed puppys, then why have a standart at all? I dont know if you get my point, because now its me who have difficulties to explain excalty what i mean in english.

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2007, 02:43:31 PM »
if your problem is that those puppies wil be used in progrms why not to do what the cat ppl do to sale them already spayed on leser price but still with those peds?
you don't have problems to use thel ittermates of this puppies so why not elimente those  problomatic puppies by ending there abilty to reproduce?
i look at those life that i bring into this world as in my responsibilty, when they'll lose there home even at 14 years old they will always come back to me, i was the one who brought them into this world, because of me they alive buti  have no premission to killthem just because some standart says so, standart is only standart but a dog is a dog
sorry i don't see a reason why a puppy with deformaty that isn't affacting healthy life should be pts and i won't find any vet here that will do it

Beit Ha-Hermon (בית החרמון) - Di Dracarys
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Offline Aurora Nel Cielo

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2007, 05:45:31 PM »
I would do diference, you are able to forbid breeding with a dog by Swedish Kennel Club, so I would forbid that puppy there have erors not to get a pedigree for any futures puppys.
And the only one there can lift that, is the persen there have forbid it, so even if the puppy get another owner, they are not able to get a pedigree in breeding for that puppys later liter.  :)

Offline Aurora Nel Cielo

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2007, 06:15:10 PM »
I feel like my english isnt good enough to get to involved in this discussion but i wonder if theres a litter with mutch white and kink tails....
If you put those pupps down beacuse of that why do you leave all the rest to grow up? They have still got the same genes as those  pupps you put to sleep.... I dont get it??? Offcourse you shouldnt breed those dogs with deformed tails but if you really dig in to it you end up with zero, nada left  ::) ???

I work with transgenic mices its almost only inbreeding, if i get a litter with deformed pupps i do not put any of theese offspring in to breeding.
So if you want to pull it hard, do it right. Dont even use those littermates of the onces with to mutch white and kinktails that you put down in your breeding.

You are right it is also a question on genetic. But I do not belive that you can not make a perfect dog with out any defects. Either in look or perfect in healt for to  produce that for future generations.

If that woes posible, humans did not suffer from any deciase at all.

you are able to limit, but there will always be deceas there sudently will show up and have not been there for years.

But it is posible to limit and study for better results.

Why work radical if you can limit, to forbid that dog with erors to not breeding in the future,
the way is to forbid it through swedish kennel club in future breeding.

I have done it with one of my dogs, the first CC I bought from a kennel.

She a happy liwing with  a family with out getting any puppys.

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2007, 05:38:44 AM »
I feel like my english isnt good enough to get to involved in this discussion but i wonder if theres a litter with mutch white and kink tails....
If you put those pupps down beacuse of that why do you leave all the rest to grow up? They have still got the same genes as those  pupps you put to sleep.... I dont get it??? Offcourse you shouldnt breed those dogs with deformed tails but if you really dig in to it you end up with zero, nada left  ::) ???
I work with transgenic mices its almost only inbreeding, if i get a litter with deformed pupps i do not put any of theese offspring in to breeding.
So if you want to pull it hard, do it right. Dont even use those littermates of the onces with to mutch white and kinktails that you put down in your breeding.
Just wondering about genetics - I know a senior man and a long time ago born his first son. Unfortunately his son had epilepsy(born with it) and died few years later.This man wanted to have more kids. In yours opinions do you think he should or not? His or from his wife combination could result in a terrible experince again?or if not could it pass to their gran-son or to anyone ahead?
360º Cane Corso

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Re: Kennel Angelo del Guardiano
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2007, 09:59:53 AM »
I feel like my english isnt good enough to get to involved in this discussion but i wonder if theres a litter with mutch white and kink tails....
If you put those pupps down beacuse of that why do you leave all the rest to grow up? They have still got the same genes as those  pupps you put to sleep.... I dont get it??? Offcourse you shouldnt breed those dogs with deformed tails but if you really dig in to it you end up with zero, nada left  ::) ???
I work with transgenic mices its almost only inbreeding, if i get a litter with deformed pupps i do not put any of theese offspring in to breeding.
So if you want to pull it hard, do it right. Dont even use those littermates of the onces with to mutch white and kinktails that you put down in your breeding.
Just wondering about genetics - I know a senior man and a long time ago born his first son. Unfortunately his son had epilepsy(born with it) and died few years later.This man wanted to have more kids. In yours opinions do you think he should or not? His or from his wife combination could result in a terrible experince again?or if not could it pass to their gran-son or to anyone ahead?

In my opinion you shouldnt compare a litter of sick mice pupps with a coupel of humans having  bad luck with a child  :-\