I dont know which name you mean
Keen?- this is in english (big/strong,..) or Dream- this is also english, or Chilli- this is because Im bif fun of Red hot chilli papers, or Jones?- english name, or Lolita- next english name- or Seyolly- my original fantasie name (Im know just one Seyoll in the world) the same is Siras, Sbrasco, Dupina, DJ Corso, QSarka,... a lot realy original name, but I dont know if I have right now one dog in my home whit original italian name...
Which name you mean?
And if yes, if the people of CC world used italian name- for me is good answer- because is italian race, but I personaly prefer always used rare and original name for my dogs...
As my boston terrier- Picachu of Bajer, Riachu of Bajer,...