You asked for it!Â
Here's Echo, the female we're retaining

Introducing Ese, don't let his pretty looks fool you - he's a tough little fella

Elmo works the tunnel

Jack (a/k/a Big Earl) works the tunnel

Pups take a nap after their tunnel workout

Elvis and Elly May were too quick for me today! They are in the chewing stage and they preferred chewing on my pants instead of being photographed. Sorry. But I do have Miss Eve for you. She's my runt. I haven't shared her photograph prior because I didn't think she would make it. However, Eve has proven to be a pup of incredible strength. She is being placed with a military man who has experience with working dogs. I think he will be as pleased with her as we are because out of all my pups, she has proven herself to be one hell of a tough girl!
Introducing Miss Eve, she's the one getting hers!

One more of Miss Eve. She's pictured here with Penny Lane and Karma

Thanks for sharing this litter with me. We really appreciate it.