Yes, the same raduno. I was there with Demon and Glam. Demon was second in open class (the dog you don't like) and Glam first in young class.
About pedigrees, I think You are making a mix of names.
Athena (not anthea) and Brenda are full sisters (and yes, Rubens is the grandfather).
Brenda is the mother of Moira (and Ch. Desy). Moira is the mother of Ch. Malizia, Ch. Diablo Negro, Ch. Demon, Rosa....
Athena is the mother of Karl, Ch. Ron, Ch. Grace....
But Altea has nothing to see with Athena or Brenda. Altea is breeded by Vito Indiveri (Dyrium). Altea was the first female of Luigi. Altea's mother is Quira del Dyrium (full sister of Quasar, Quaron, Quenni....) and the father is Ciopper.
From Same Combination Bayron (Quasar) x Altea (Quira) there's: Italian and European Champion Molly, Italian Champion Meggy and World Champion Margo.