Author Topic: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.  (Read 25960 times)

Offline Mobius

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2008, 11:05:34 AM »
So, some rescue organization has taken him out of the shelter, even though we have someone appropriate lined up to take him (thanks to Ron H. or Firehorse CC). I've gotten the shelter to give me the email contact info for the rescue representative. I've emailed this person several times, and they are not returning my emails. And I am getting more and more frustrated. To make matters worse, the shelter knew that I was willing to pay for a basic hip xray & a plane flight, both to get the dog in a good home, and still they were happy to release the dog to a rescue while we were waiting to get the xrays completed by THEIR associated veterinary facility. Why? Isn't the point to get the dog into a good home. Why the rescue is not answering my emails is something I cannot explain.

Has anyone else every had issues with poor management at shelters? I just don't get it.

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2008, 01:45:26 PM »
I have found that some private rescues are fanatic animal lovers, on the verge of being a little insane.....  Watch Animal Precinct on Animal  But really, I have met a few private rescue organizations, and they operate "their way or the highway" mentality.  Do you know where the dog is???  Could you go and adopt it and get it released, and then send it to its new home?

Offline Mobius

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2008, 06:41:23 PM »
No, that's the point. The only contact info the shelter gave me was an email address for the Rescue org. The shelter people explained to the rescue that there is someone (me) currently pursuing adoption. I've emailed the rescue letting them know who I am, and they are not returning my emails. I'm going to call the shelter today and see if they can contact the rescue and put some pressure on them to respond to my emails.

But you'd think that the rescue would be calling me. They have my contact info. They know I've been working to find this dog a home, visiting the shelter, and that now we have a home lined up...

They just need to return my email...

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2008, 06:24:47 AM »
How frustrating!! >:(

Offline Mobius

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2008, 04:06:38 PM »
This dog is no longer available. Working with this shelter was a massive pain in the @$$.

I hope the idiot who got this dog is good to him.

Nancy, you can delete this thread and the pics to make room on the forum.

Offline canecorsonancy

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2008, 08:15:33 PM »
I just deleted the uploaded pics. But the topic can stay. It is a good example of bureaucratic madness ::)

Offline Our Grand Guerra

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2008, 06:15:45 PM »
 Mobius, to all Lesson learned!!!!!

     You did a very noble deed and thank you for your efforts of trying to find

      a decent home for the Neo at this shelter, and  somehow and where this Neo vanished into Cyberspace......

      Somewhere just maybe in this section of the site for this type of situation and placement  of a dog, that

      a safeguard or application process thru this forum can be  improvised to collect information and do some

      background work on  the shelters, prespective new owners , etc,

      It may be asking a bit much for Nancy, as I know she probably has a plate full already, but maybe
      with her resources something can be implemented.

      Respectfully, Fred   

Offline canecorsonancy

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2008, 11:30:05 PM »
Please explain what you have in mind. In this section people can post dogs that are looking for a new home. So also dogs members found in shelters.
I don't think that the person who now has this dog is an idiot as Josh said. He probably had no idea that there was someone else interested in this dog. I do agree that this whole thing is too much bureaucracy and not enough about the dog :-\ But I have no idea how we could do background work on shelters and new owners on this forum. Remember that we always only hear 1 side of a story. I think many breeders found out that not every great new owner ends up to be that great. Just like many dogowners who started out adoring the breeder of their dog, found out that this breeder was not that great. How to know when the things posted are really correct and not half truths? What is great for 1 person, can be horrible for another. I think best is just to keep this section for the dogs who need it and let people do their own homework. Just like everybody has to do their own homework when buying a pup or when breeding ;)

Offline Our Grand Guerra

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Re: Interesting Neo looking for someone to protect.
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2008, 02:30:50 AM »
  Nancy, I agree on some or most of your views regarding dog placement and we all should be vigilante of what are the surrouding circumstances and do echo the Breeder issue. Again Kudos to Mobius for her part in this also.  Thank you for your input on this matter, and again my views are in the Best interest of the dogs........

Best Regards, Fred
