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Hello I'm Emilia Gaidukova.I'm breeder of cane corso since 1999.I have Cerberus,Derium,Dipinta bloodline and some dog from Simona.My result in show-Vice Champion on Eurodogshow-2004-Gretta first dlya dinastii championov,;on Eurodogshow-2006-best puppy,2 place-Era Queen iz D.Ch,2 place-Leogreto Big Praise iz D.Ch,3 place-Imperial Royal Flash iz;on Eurodogshow-2007-Junior winner Joselito del Roso Malpelo,and best puppy,on Worlddogshow-2008-Junior winner Quentiliano d.r.m,3 place -Leogreto Big Praise iz D.Ch,3 place in Champinn class-Imperial royal Flash iz,2place in ch.class-Udacha iz D.Ch.