Hi there,
My fiance and I have been looking things up about our new Cane Corse we are getting on OCT17th. We are so excited! This is our very first cane corsa, so we are new at this. We have been looking so much stuff up and just excited about getting our puppy. It seems so far away.
Some stuff about us my fiance and I. I am 34 yrs old and he is 43yrs old. I have always lived in Pennsylvania and he has lived other places with in the US.
We will take any information you can all give us about our new cane corsa puppy. We have a golden retreiver already that is about 5yrs old. A little nervous about introducing them. I also have a 8 yr old daughter, which we here they are very good with chilldren(from what we read).
I wanted to quick introduce ourselves(while I had some down time at work tonight).
Kim and Eric