I like Kaiser and I like the name! Im happy the trip in Czech rep. has to give you inspiration for this great and original name
Thanks Sarka. I rember going over the bridge in Prague and asking you what the statue of a King was for, and you told me he was a Czech Kaiser. Ever since then, I knew I was going to use Kaiser for a special male. Now I think I have that male puppy, and hopefully he will live up to his name!! Thanks.

Congratulations Darrel. This is about as deep an outcross as can be done! I really hope you continue to post lots of pics, because it'll be really interesting to observe the stages of development these pups go through over the next 24 months. Lots of unrelated genes all combining in different ways. Looking at these pups right now, I see Giorgio is "out front". It'll be interesting to see if/how Tok makes the Dyrium-contribution to the blend!
In any case, it looks like we will be dealing with some powerful, thick dogs.
Thanks Josh. I am also curious to see how these guys develop. I am keeping a very close eye on them. They are big boned powerful puppies with confident outgoing characters. I have really enjoyed these guys.
Ok, here are the males at 6 weeks old. I will get some pictures of the females soon. The lighting was bad, so it is hard to see the true color of the pups, but I thought I'd share still.
Red Brindle

He was a little sleepy here....


Black brindle

Kaiser- chesnut brindle