Author Topic: newbie puppy  (Read 9718 times)

Offline del_angelo

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Re: newbie puppy
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2006, 12:29:12 AM »
welcome to the board ;D


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Re: newbie puppy
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2006, 10:12:27 AM »
Hello Ben Fuerte

and welcome to the forum.

just one other question! Do you breed Presas or know anybody that could help me importing a good couple??? I do own an old male coming from "Nivaria Sur" kennels, Teneriffe and I am now looking again for one or two good dogs to show. But it is hard to get in contact with the breeders without any help, I think they are even worse than the CC breeders i  South Italy. Without help they just offer you the crab they are not able to sell anywhere else... I am looking for a new dog now since about 2 years and no luck!

I don't plan to breed them since I think it is even harder to find good homes for them but I love the breed and I would love to show a good one again. I tried with some breeders in Poland but I don't like the head type they produce now, These dogs are more like a bulldog with an Amstaff or Corso head than like a real Presa...

So any help will be appreciated.



Offline ben Fuerte

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Re: newbie puppy
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2006, 01:07:50 PM »
Hello Ben Fuerte

just one other question! Do you breed Presas or know anybody that could help me importing a good couple??? I do own an old male coming from "Nivaria Sur" kennels, Teneriffe and I am now looking again for one or two good dogs to show. But it is hard to get in contact with the breeders without any help, I think they are even worse than the CC breeders i  South Italy. Without help they just offer you the crab they are not able to sell anywhere else... I am looking for a new dog now since about 2 years and no luck!
..  So any help will be appreciated.



Hi Sandra , as I tlod you , not so easy to find some  pure-type to the FCI - standard  got a lot of mixed ones. Breeders are mostly very closed
to others.
For the moment I can give you the following adress :

 D. Ricardo Oramas Miranda – Presidente
Urb. Brillasol - Verodes 72-B
38530 Candelaria
Tel.: (+34)  922.50.35.02 / 618.40.20.65

´ll keep on looking arround - let you know some news

ciao  :)


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Re: newbie puppy
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2006, 01:55:35 PM »
Thanks for your reply!

I know how hard it is to get something good, even when you tell that the dog will go to shows all over Europe. So I was hoping for some help of people that live there and maybe know the breeders. I think it is always easier to get in contact when you come with somebody they know.

I know the club you sent me. They were not such a big help in the past. I got some contacts from them but the breeders never answered (like always). I would even fly down tp Spain to visit breeders and to talk to them but that is hard when you dont get any contact at all...

So any help would be great and appreciated.



Offline ben Fuerte

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Re: newbie puppy
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2006, 01:38:10 PM »
Hi Sandra    :)

have you talked to Montse for your search ? I think maybe she could
have an idea also.

another link for your search of Presa Canario , Dogo Canario

met some people arround the weekend - also to ask for,
let you know.

ciao  8)