Hello Ben Fuerte
just one other question! Do you breed Presas or know anybody that could help me importing a good couple??? I do own an old male coming from "Nivaria Sur" kennels, Teneriffe and I am now looking again for one or two good dogs to show. But it is hard to get in contact with the breeders without any help, I think they are even worse than the CC breeders i South Italy. Without help they just offer you the crab they are not able to sell anywhere else... I am looking for a new dog now since about 2 years and no luck!
.. So any help will be appreciated.
Hi Sandra , as I tlod you , not so easy to find some pure-type to the FCI - standard got a lot of mixed ones. Breeders are mostly very closed
to others.
For the moment I can give you the following adress :
D. Ricardo Oramas Miranda – Presidente
Urb. Brillasol - Verodes 72-B
38530 Candelaria
Tel.: (+34) 922.50.35.02 / 618.40.20.65
´ll keep on looking arround - let you know some news