At Amore Cane Corso, we bred for what "works" and not according to popular pedigree. Although pedigree is important to us, we have learned that the parents and what they have produced and come from- whether they are popular or unknown - are what works for us. Bo, the sire of Katara is virtually unknown. Lia is one of the hardest hitting Corsi we have encountered. She has produced more temperamentally, healthy and conformationally correct Corsi for my program and therefore, is a female that has high value for us. Her pedigree has some high profile Corsi in it and you can view it at: As you can see, it goes back to David, Plud, etc.
What upsets/amuses/confuses me is the fact that all breedings are credited to the male/stud! Yet the female contributes 50% of the genes to the puppy! That is why my program is now focusing on our females and adding females to our program that are strong, temperamentally sound and conformationally as correct as the males.
So, we have paired a very strong female (Katara) to our foundation line male (Mojo) and are expecting some very strong, solid boned Corsi that have the capability to work from this combination. I will post photos of the pups once their eyes are open and they are walking.
Here is a photo of Katara's mom taken appox. six months ago being turned on:


ere is a photo of Katara's sire:
Here is a photo of Mojo's sire