Hi kids, new member curly here. I found this board while checking Nancy's site for news on her great doggies. I'm starting my research for a new friend so hopefully I'll be fully informed and ready when my old girl 'cupcake' moves on to the great master's bed in the sky.
I have the pleasure of living with two hounds: Cupcake and Wally. Cupcake is a yellow Lab who I inherited when her previous owner could not keep her anymore. Wally is one of a litter from a Cane Corso that I found on the street here in Brooklyn. I found out that Wally's mother had been waiting on the corner all day for her master to return but sadly it was obvious she had been dumped. I took her home and I was completely clueless as to her condition of pregnancy. Two weeks later I went out and thought she had killed a rat but the rat turned out to be a newborn puppie. She died from whelping that day and left four orphans which my small but powerhouse mutt, Sophie, adopted immediately. Three pups lived past day 2 and I still have one of them; Wally who is now 2 years old. One of the other pups was adopted a few days after whelping and Wally's brother, Yogi, lives nearby with a friend of mine. They are great dogs and really help keep the crackheads at bay, lol.
I wrote Nancy when the pups were a couple weeks old for some advice and she was very generous with her help. I have never gotten a dog from her but from my experience Nancy is my first choice breeder. Her dogs look great and they seem to be very happy living together.
Nice to meet you all and thanks for having me.