Pete is not having 2 litters at the same day

But 1 litter a year or 10 litters a year does not make a difference to me. Chances of a delivery not going as usual are the same on each litter.
I just don't like running to vets with pregant females. Vets are more experienced in c-sections than natural births. Some prefer to recommend a c-section even if not really needed. Just to be sure

Only yesterday evening a CC delivered 10 very tiny pups by c-section, 60 days after the first mating (and this mating was really much too early). And this vet recommended this c-section a week ago already!
Now I know Pete's vet is not like this at all. But I just prefer to let nature surprise us and not put the females through the stress of an x-ray

And believe me. If you missed several litters due to empty females and finally have a female pregnant, all you want is for everything to be ok with all the pups. Even more than when you have more litters in a shorter time.