Author Topic: I need help with an older cane corso and small children  (Read 1961 times)

Offline JerseyShoreGirl22

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I need help with an older cane corso and small children
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:44:28 AM »
I just adopted a 2 yr old cane corso female, and I already have 2 Siberian Husky's and a Malamute. I am VERY new to this breed, and made the mistake of introducing my small kids (3 and 7 yrs) to Nyx (cane corso) as if she was a husky. Very quickly I discovered that Nyx has never been around children and doesn't know what to make of them or even how to play with them. I believe she was abused because it appears someone to shears and cut her ears completely off!! First, I NEVER leave my kids alone with any of our dogs, and our dogs have their own dog zone where they can go and the kids aren't allowed. But I don't want her to spend all of her time in the dog room, I want her to be part of the family. Both kids take turns gently grooming her every day, and I've started putting her in the backyard by herself and have the kids play and scream outside the fence (chain link), So she can watch them and hear them within the safety of her fence, but I don't know if that's the right thing to do? I'm so desperate for help and any ideas to make this easier for her to transition to being a family member. Oh she gets along GREAT with my other dogs.

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Re: I need help with an older cane corso and small children
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2011, 08:23:17 PM »
hey... my girl has defiantly had issues with new things and sounds.... what your doing sounds right on... desensitize her to those experiences.... mine was terrified of baby strollers... she would back into us shaking and barking.... petrified... but to the world she was a baby eater(lol)... we borrowed a stroller from some friends, and would keep it by her food bowel... took awhile... but no worries now.... these guys are also very food orientated... try having your kids give her a treat now and then... just make sure we teach Nix "easy"... I truly believe exposing them to lots of different experiences will create a well socialized and even keeled dog... if that's what you want(know you do) if not they will become weary, very protective.... good luck...